Houses from foam concrete blocks are easy pre-fabricated buildings. Because of features of the used material they need a protective coating. The most available and popular...
Gas concrete plaster: what needs to be known for successful performance
Houses from a gas concrete are popular because of ease in a construction and rather low price of gas-blocks. However light porous material is defenseless...
Plaster for the pool – types and technology
Having put from a brick or having molded a pool bowl from concrete, you appear only halfway to the first water procedure as...
Garage plaster – for protection of a car, comfortable work, heat and beauty
Plaster finishing exists since Ancient Egypt. The way checked in the millennia to protect and decorate constructions is popular and today. Plaster not only...
Plaster for brick walls step-by-step technology
The bricklaying – a surface not smooth, is often far from ideally equal. And if the brick wall also old, then has...
Plaster on RSD to a plate on a building facade
In Russia became interested in the Oriyentirovanno-struzhechny plates (SMALLPOX, RSD or OSB) invented in Canada during an era of mass construction of frame residential buildings too....
As well as than to plaster penopleks
Warming house walls, owners expect that the used material will serve not less that the term which is specified by the producer. Products from expanded polystyrene perfectly...